Monday 22 August 2011

When God answers our prayers

Me and my husband were heading to the airport, I was going to California for a month vacation to visit my family.  We were waiting for a taxi for almost 10 minutes and we were becoming irritated because all the taxi  were either hired or on call. I told my husband maybe we can take the bus because I was in the verge of missing my flight. To our surprise even the buses were all full and can’t even take anymore passengers. And so I remembered  to call a friend through prayer and I asked my husband to pray with me.

We whispered, “Lord, please send us a cab that will take us to the airport on time. Please help us not to miss my  flight.”

Then after a few minutes we finally got to spot a cab that wasn’t hired and we immediately waved at him.  The cab stopped and while my husband was loading my suitcases a man approached my him and  asked if we were heading to the airport and if he could share the ride with us because he is in a hurry and he will just share half of the bill. We don’t see any problem so we said, “Sure.”
Few minutes later, we arrived in the airport we saw him handing the money to driver. Then after we got our suitcases we asked the man how much we have to pay him.
Then he said, “Its ok I got it. God bless you on your journey. I’m an airport police. Thank you for sharing the cab with me.”

Me and my husband were both smiling while saying thank you so much, our eyes can’t believe that a miracle just happened more than what we asked for. We just prayed for a cab and God even took care of the bill for us. What an amazing Lord we have!

Most of the times when we encounter problems we tend to solve it by ourselves remember it is written in the bible in Psalm 86: 6-7 “Please listen, Lord! Answer my prayer for help. When I am in trouble, I pray knowing you will listen.

Everyday, miracles do happen because God just simply loves each one of us so be aware and give Him praise.

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